Chad Bossman is an acclaimed Hip Hop Artist based in Dallas, TX Chad Bossman embarked on his musical voyage of artistic discovery as a youngster, growing up listening to a variety of musicians and genres that have played an influential role in shaping their signature sound. Chad Bossman seeks to offer something different and unique to their fans by creating and performing original music that they are proud to call their own. For more information please get in touch. "I was born Chadrick Thysheek Scott, by way of Lake Providence, LA, but I was mostly raised in Dallas, TX. I started freestyle rapping in my preteen years for fun. Once i got in my teen years, I started partying with my peers getting under the influence, that's when they always start begging me to freestyle. I started writing my own music since 1995."
Tracks By Chad Bossman
Coast 2 Coast LIVE | Dallas All Ages Edition 6/14/20 PLAY -
A True Love Story PLAY -
Coast 2 Coast LIVE | Dallas Edition 1/22/15 PLAY -
Da G Way PLAY -
Direct 2 Exec Dallas 4/15/18 - Atlantic Records PLAY -
Flee PLAY -
I Gotta Get It PLAY -
It's Bossin' Ova Here Baby PLAY -
Majors PLAY -
Twerk It Fo' Me Baby PLAY