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Dark Face Squatta. (CEO) (ARTIST) WRITER) OF DENOWORLD MUSIC GROUP. I HAVE PERFORMED OVER 103 LIVE SHOWS NO DEAL NO MANAGER HERE''''''''S MOST OF THE TRACK LIST Carbondale, IL(Premiere, Curbside) Saint Louis,MO(Heartbreakers, Fubar) Cape Girardeau, MO(Dockside) Sikeston, MO (THE Eagle/DJ CBS) DJ MOTOWN Cairo, IL(club cavalier) club elite Chicago, IL(Club Addrianas) East Saint Louis, IL(The Lavender Room) Queen of diamonds MEMPHIS TENN. AJ''''''''S BAR N GRILL CLUB INFINTY WEST MEMPHIS JET LADORES. .. EVANSVILLE IN. HAMMER HEADS. IVE OPENED UP FOR KEVIN GATES .PLIES. KING LOUIE. ...KATIE GOT BANDS.. LIL HERB ..MYCO MONTANA. ZED ZILLA .AND .GANGSTA BLACK Short bio: Short bio: Denoworld Music GROUP CEO/ARTIST DARKFACE SQUATTA is a southern Illinois and Missouri artist influenced by the death of his big brother, Donathan Deno Brown. Darkface squatta is very talented artist writer performer and author thats willing to do whatever it takes to see his parents, children, and other family live better.. CONTACT US AT LITEDARK1984@GMAIL. OR ON FACEBOOK / JONATHAN BROWN. OR FACEBOOK/DARKFACE SQUATTA Darkface squatta Denoworld. ALSO HERE IS MY TOP VIDEO Check out TRUST NO THOTTYS.. OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO : My number 3145850232
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DenoWorld Music Group

Videos By Darkface Squatta

Mixtapes Featuring Darkface Squatta