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JEVIPESCI is an American HipHop Musician Entrepreneur/ Producer/ Artist/ Engineer/ Videographer/ Promoter and tattoo artist is CEO & Founder of JEVIPESCI Productions & member of Lvstovdavillainz music group Mastering in the 4gotten elements of HipHop Culture. DJing Emceeing Grafitti Breakdancing! Link up with him now!
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J.E.V.I Pe$ci (Lonjevity)
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Smooth Benny Hill Jevipesci
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Lvstovdavillainz Axcell & Jevipesci
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Lvstovdavillainz Axcell & J.E.V.I Pe$ci “Game Over”
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Lvstovdavillainz Jevipesci & Axcell “What It Feelz Like”
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Jevipesci Lonjevity Old Queenz
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Wesnyle Jevipesci Axcell “Takin’ Shotz”
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Jevipesci Productions
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Lonjevity Jevipesci
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Interview @skillymagazine
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My H3art
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Lvstovdavillainz dont waste my time
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Dream BIG
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Live performance

Tracks By J.E.V.I Pe$ci

Videos By J.E.V.I Pe$ci

Mixtapes Featuring J.E.V.I Pe$ci